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The picture below shows the classical, theoretical decoder 4:16 with an "enable" function.

4-16 DECODER.jpg

The next picture shows construction of CTS 4.3 with 4 inputs, just like 4:16 decoder has.

Every of 4 outputs are connected on just 3 of 4 inputs in such way to make every possible combination, wich is totaly 4 in this case.

CTS  4-3-32 _5_edited.jpg

We can conect to CTS-s B-side main adresses, some clasical 3:8 decoders.

They´ll serve like sub-addresses, wich in total increases the number of CTS output adresses.

02_CTS - 4.3_Decoder_page-0001.jpg



With CTS we can make diferent decoders.

Picture below is just another way to display the same CTS as shown above but with less lines, contact points and built-in components.

The input pins of decoder now have 3 conditions, 2 of which are working states: +V and -V, and one non -working state: "off".

Instead of using -V, we can also use "ground" or "0V".

The decoder remains absolutely binary but does not require "enable" function and one more pin for that.

02_CTS - 4.3_Decoder_page-0003.jpg

To address one ouptut, in this case, we have just 3 of 4 inputs active at the same time. There are, also, less built-in components per output than decoder 4:16 has.

This means that we´ll have less energy consumption, less heat, simpler construction with less errors, more speed, and more outputs.


This CTS 4.3.32 can be easily upgraded to multiplexer - demultiplexer like shown bellow.

In this example, when multiplexer ( MUX ) input are at decoder output 7, than is output at "in/out" pin, or when demultiplexer ( DEMUX ) input is at "in/out" pin, than is the output at decoder output 7.

02_CTS - 4.3_Decoder_page-0004.jpg


To make an encoder, we need to put a diode on every paralell conected line of 32 inputs wich will separate one active input from other inactive inputs.




The truth table of CTS 4.3.32 - decoder show us fully compatibility with binary technology.


02_CTS - 4.3_Decoder_page-0006.jpg


Here are other comparisons between CTS and decoder wich in first table show how CTS has much more outputs.

In the second table, when amount of inputs and outputs of CTS and decoder remain the same, is shown how many CTS has fewer built -in transistors.


02_CTS - 4.3_Decoder.jpg

Combi Transmit System

patent pending

©2023 by Peter

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